Info in English – Shows available on Tour

Florence & Moustafa

Devised work, staged by Guillaume Vincent

Florence & Moustafa is a short play inspired by The Thousand and One Nights, with two actors, Florence Janas and Moustafa Benaïbout (or Mathias Bentahar).
It is meant to be presented outside the theatres, in bars, classrooms, hospitals…
Duration : 50 minutes


Guillaume Vincent
is an author and stage director who graduated from the famous TNS school in Strasbourg. He has staged many classics by Marivaux, Virginia Woolf or Wedekind but also contemporary authors such as Lagarce or Fassbinder. He has staged several of his own plays : Rendez-vous gare de l’Est (2012), La Nuit tombe… (2012), both published, and Les Métamorphoses (2016), inspired by Ovid’s Metamorphosis.

He has staged operas, such as Mimi, scènes de la vie de Bohème (2014) inspired by La Bohème by Puccini, or The Second Woman (2011), adapted from the film Opening nights by Cassavetes and Curlew River by Britten (2016).

His work has been presented in the most renown venues such as Les Bouffes du Nord in Paris, where he presented Love me tender adapted from Carver’s short stories in 2018, or at La Colline – national theatre in Paris, TNS in Strasbourg and at the Avignon Festival, and also internationally in Canada, The US, Lituania, Italy, Lebanon.

His show Songes et Métamorphoses has toured throughout France and at Odeon-Theatre de l’Europe in Paris in April 2017.
One of his last show, The Thousand and One Nights, was also presented at Odeon-Theatre de l’Europe from November 6 to December 8 2019 and has toured throughout France.

Florence & Moustafa, created in 2019, is still touring in France.

He is the director of the MidiMinuit Cie.